- Alumni In-House Board Review Visit
This provides psycho-emotional and spiritual support to alumni who are preparing for the licensure examination through a visit by administrators, faculty members of the respective colleges, staff, Alumni Relations Chairs, alumni, and La Salle Brother. This activity will inspire, motivate, and boost the self-confidence of alumni through sharing words of support and success stories of alumni in the licensure examination.
- Alumni Board Exam Takers Assembly / Virtual Board Takers
This activity is provided for alumni a few days prior to the scheduled board examination, the alumni board takers will gather through virtual or physical gathering at DLSMHSI, with the same approach provided in the Alumni In-House Board Review visit.
- Alumni Recollection
It is organized for alumni to provide respite from the stress of work, family or personal issues, studies, or before taking board examinations. The recollection will help the alumni to revitalize, and strengthen their faith in God, a Lasallian core value. This activity is very helpful to the attendees as it guides them to become reflective toward a better understanding of themselves.
- Alumni Lasallian Formation
This formation program is a continuation of the formation activities that our alumni have experienced at DLSMHSI as students, intending to ensure that our alumni carry along and live with them the Lasallian core values as they pursue their careers.
- Alumni Job Fair / Career Talk/Path
It is linking our alumni in job-seeking through job fairs and providing more opportunities that support their career goals and professional advancement. Likewise, support the graduating students (alumni––residence) in future job opportunities and senior high alumni to choose their career path.
- Outreach Program / Medical Mission
These activities encourage our alumni to be part of DLSMHSI’s efforts in pursuing its mission to love and reach the least, the last, and the lost. Alumni may support these efforts by offering their professional services, or through in-kind or monetary donations.
- Institutional Sports Fest (Animo Games)
This activity encourages our alumni to play with the DLSMHSI Lasallian community to foster camaraderie and one Lasallian spirit.
- Institutional Support
There are many ways that our alumni can support their Alma Mater in its research and development efforts. Alumni shall be invited to participate in accreditation, curriculum planning, policy development, mentoring, coaching, employment status feedback, workplace performance, tracer study or serve as the link to disseminate the tracer study to other alumni, alumni donation support, and others.
- Online Feedback Survey (formerly Exit Interview)
This gathers information and feedback on learning experiences during their stay in the entire program from the graduating students of DLSMHSI.
- Online Exit Interview for Graduating Students
Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHbkScL1tuL-1vYzlR1NIZ9WP1MHfEmzrT7nnfUWWOBEn_nw/viewform
- Alumni In-Residence Pre-Employment Requirements Assistance
Alumni Relations provides assistance to alumni in-residence (graduating students) in obtaining SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-ibig requirements for job placements or post internship requirements. Philhealth assistance extends to non-graduating students.
- Alumni Orientation
This conveys information on the services and activities provided by the Alumni Relations. Likewise, the role and expectations of alumni as graduates toward upholding the Lasallian Mission.
- Alumni In-Residence Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is offered to alumni in-residence who cannot afford to continue their education due to financial crisis/difficulty experienced by their families.
- Alumni Research Support
This supports the alumni who published research and motivates them to engage in scholarly research output.